Freedom Base
Freedom Base
The ultimate show pig base mix that gives you the freedom to grind and mix the ration that best suits your needs.

Umbarger Freedom Base gives you the flexibility to balance a specific ration to match the genetic potential of your show pigs. Contact the Umbarger Show Feeds Team to balance the award winning ration that works best for you.

It’s important to use high quality grains free of toxins to achieve the best results.

When mixing replace corn with the drug of your choice.

Feeding Directions:

Guaranteed Analysis
Corn 1135 1215 1265
SBM 430 350 300
Oats 100 100 100
Freedom Base 300 300 300
Umbarger Hi E 35 35 35
2000 2000 2000

Protein 18.5% 16.5% 15%
Lysine 1.25% 1.19% 1.1%
Fat 5% 5% 5%